Status Unknown

What does Status Unknown mean?

Take a look at the Rights of Wayfinder maps and you will see the ways as lines on the map. Each one has a label with its WID or Wayfinder ID. Clicking this label displays more information about the status of that way.

But sometimes, when you click the WID label, it says Status Unknown.

Unsurprisingly, this means exactly what it says! It means that Rights of Wayfinder does not have enough information to be able to make a reliable best guess about the status of that way. We urge you to take care when attempting to use these routes as there may be no legal right of access at all.

Remember, the usage indicator is our best guess at the rights over a way. We use the Definitive Map as well as the List of Streets and other documents to work out the likely rights over a way.

If in doubt, check by doing your own research or ask the local Highway Authority. Be aware that local authorities may be over-cautious. See Tell me where to go for more information about the usage indicator.