
Understanding Comments

Comments are an important part of Rights of Wayfinder. Every registered user can add comments to the routes within Wayfinder.

Every comment has the date it was submitted. This is shown as "a long time ago" for very old comments which may no longer be relevant. The newest comment is always shown first.

When adding a new comment for a multi-part route, it is possible to select which part(s) the comment applies to. By default, the comment will cover all the route. Simply untick the boxes to show that the comment doesn't cover that part.

Next to each comment is a row of ticks and crosses. The total number is the same as the number of parts to the way. Hovering on a computer or clicking on a mobile device causes that part of the way to turn red. This way it is easy to identify which part the tick or cross applies to.

Should you find incorrect information in the comments, please inform the Wayfinder Team using the 'Report a Problem' option in the lane detail page.

In accordance with the Terms and Conditions, when you submit a comment, you grant Wayfinder the right to store, use and display now and in future.